CV. Karya Jaya Mandiri Sakti Odoo Versi 10.0

Informasi tentang CV. Karya Jaya Mandiri Sakti contoh Odoo, Sumber terbuka.

Aplikasi diinstal

Inventory Management
Inventory, Logistics, Warehousing
Penawaran, Pesanan Penjualan, Faktur
Diskusi, Milis, Berita
Leave Management
Holidays, Allocation and Leave Requests
Kirim Faktur dan Telusuri Pembayaran
Website Builder
Build Your Enterprise Website
Employee Directory
Detail Pekerjaan, Departemen, Karyawan
Manage employee attendances
Edaptec - Precise Kiosk Mode
Manage employee attendances
Recruitment Process
Jobs, Recruitment, Applications, Job Interviews
Contacts Directory
Customers, Vendors, Partners,...
Edaptec - HRM
Edaptec - Human Resource
Edaptec - Leave Management & Public Holidays
Edaptec - Report Common
Report Common
Edaptec - Report Printout
Odoo Reports
Pentaho Reports for Odoo
Pentaho Report Integration
Create surveys, collect answers and print statistics
Personal & Shared Calendar